Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

First off- funny video of Grace on the way home.
And then this is up at our cabin. Can I just say I'm sick of snow?  

Then a random baby picture. (Don't even worry, she's like two hours old in that)
Then I found this on my dad's phone.

And then a link to Erik's new song... yeah be jealous that you don't have a rapper for a brother.

Watch it. And then go creep on Erik's blog too. You'll like it.
And then goodbye!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, Christopher! Can I just say that that youtube video is hilarious! Like HILARIOUS! I really couldn't stop myself laughing!! I sorta wish I had a rapper broha... that'd be pretty sweet. Dude I like your blog, It's pretty funny everytime I get on, so thanks! P.S. I sorta miss all you guys, and well, sorta school... i know crazy jesi.
