Hey so I'm sitting on my bed right now waiting for my brother to get home from work and I'm just going to write. Just write. So school is starting and I don't know what to think. Its always good to get back into the schedule and flow of school...but sometimes I really hate it. So I want the security, but not the stress. I'm going to high school. HIGH SCHOOL. This like determines college. College determines job. Job can determine your life. How you live. Where you live. So its kind of a big thing. I'm taking two (kind of three) honors classes and two AP classes. I will be at cross-country every day after school until 5:00 or 5:30. Then I have to come home and practice piano for anywhere from an hour and a half to three hours. Oh wait. I have to eat dinner. And then I have to do homework. HOMEWORK. Oh drab. I forgot about homework. Which I also have mixed feelings about. Its kind of fun to sit down and work on a project or write a paper, but at the same time, aren't there better things to be doing? I know. There are. Its weird- sometimes I get so caught up in school stuff that I forget about the more important things.
Today I went to Coldstone because I had a free coupon and dang was it good. Lately I've been eating like I will never see food again. I don't know why. I'm just hungry all the time. I have a race on Thursday. Pre-region. Man, races freak me out. I can run just fine and stuff but I feel so much pressure. I want to do good. I have to do well. Its weird. Oh happy story. Today I was at the mall and I was at Gap and I found jeans for sixty dollars. THey were on clearance and then when I got to the cash register they were even less. They were only twelve. Which is pretty cool. That means that they were eighty percent off. Boom. Roasted. World. Have your eyes ever felt like they were sun burnt? Oh which brings me to this. I was just talking about this. DO your eyes grow? Or are they the same size all your life? Hmm...
Hmm...looking at my bookshelf. Here are some favorites.
Oh the good childhood memories. Read this series at least six times.
Can't wait for the forth one in November!
The end. Bye for now!