Wednesday, May 18, 2011

To Post or not To Post (This is a cheesy post title)

Yeah I'm embarrassed of the title. But I don't really care either. Sooooooo....I just got back from the orchestra concert that I had to play at, but some random nice people took me to Coldstone and I got ice cream. So now my tummy is all full. (By the way, I think that all white people should be black. We would be eighty percent cooler.) I got the cheesecake one with strawberries and blueberries, and pretty much it was really good. Plus, pretty much I say pretty much way too much. But who cares? Pretty much nobody. (I did it again.) So today I went random and just got on google translator and had the crazy lady say stuff for me. It was so fun. So first I just had to do it for Spanish because I was so confused, but then I figured out that if I did it from Japanese to English, the sentence structure stays the same, and so I just went ballistic with it! It was so so so fun with me and Olivia just insulting each other. I must say, its better than Microsoft Sam even because the voice is just plain better. Than I worked on my OYC application which is actually really hard. I better get in. Otherwise I will just have to go outside and
  • Cut Down a Tree
  • Eat a Butterfly
  • Glue my fingers together with superglue
  • Or drink so much water that I explode.
All of the above sound fun. Its a good thing that summer is here because I can almost do all those things. Which reminds me of the time when Erik and I had a water drinking contest but then we threw up. It tasted not so good.

Random Pictures:

Delicious Strawberries

A frog with a long story


  1. PS sorry for the random weird strawberries on the side? Don't know what happened there...

  2. Huh. Never has a butterfly sounded good nor will it ever. I love that frog...LOTS (one) stories behind that one, eh? Well. I like your blog. Ok wait so you went with strangers to Cold Stone? Sounds 100% safe, if you ask me!

  3. Well...actually I did know them. But it was kind of random anyways. (Thanks for liking my blog.)And butterflies? They are delicious? I'll bring one in my lunch tomorrow and you can have some, okay?

  4. Wait this is Christopher. Not Erik? HOw come your name is all of a sudden Erik? Butterflies...YUM.

  5. It changes. I don't know. Its weird. I told you that Google/Gmail is going to take over the world...
