Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Randomness and Other Things.

First off can I say that I hate Doritos? Eww. Throw up. In my mouth. Really though, I think I just did. They make we want to annihilate all of the factories where they are made. Guess what? I had five fish a week ago, guess how many there are right now...? Yeah. One. Coincidence? Or am I just terrible at taking care of animals. Okay guess what else? I like watching the Office. And I kind of feel bad about it. But then I don't because it is seriously the funniest thing that I have ever seen. (But this is coming from a TV-deprived individual) I love Obama. I love Obama just because I'm sick of everybody hating on him. Its sad. Today I had this weird moment where I was trying really hard to play the piano and my brain just went out of focus and I couldn't do anything. It was weird. I couldn't see or think and I just had like a moment. An elderly moment. Except I'm only fourteen. I don't want to do homework right now. There's too much. It's so frustrating.  Urgh. Some kid just died in Africa. That really stinks. Some person just got killed in a car accident and somebody just found out that they have cancer and somebody just found out that they will never have kids. The world kind of sucks. Has anybody else noticed that? Yeah, so have I. But I live in my own Little sheltered bubble right here in Happy Valley. Its pretty weird that all that stuff can happen and I don't even really think about it. I just want Jesus to come. And then everything will be happy.

Things I hate:
  • Fat People (Sorry that's really rude. I just hate fat americans mostly who just watch TV all day!)
  • Socks with Sandals. I just threw up again.
  • When People die their hair black.
  • Vibrato (In General)
  • Warm Water
  • Pepper
  • Headaches
  • Stupid ignorant people
  • Super Triplets
  • Gross ice Cream

The End.

I just pressed the enter button a lot.

I did it again.

Haha this is super DUPER fun.

I'm tired....

The End.

PS Sorry if this post offends anybody.


  1. you might have to work on your hate list and minimize it a little. i mean Jesus Loves fat people too:)

  2. you crack me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this brought tears to my eyes!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Christopher, I seriously can not stop laughing, you know like when I have a laughing spell and I start to sound like Grandma Patty? The line about socks with sandals just killed me!!!!!! ha ha ha he he he. You would really be enjoying this laugh attack! I love you kiddo!!! You made my day!!!

  4. HA! Oh Christopher. You are so random. But isn't pressing that darn enter button theee best? Yup. Thought so! And why would you erase this treasure of a post!? Keeepppp itttt....And what are "super triplets?"
